About Peh

About Peh Ng


Specific Current Employment

I am an professor of mathematics at a wonderful, public, liberal arts institution of higher learning, a.k.a. the University of Minnesota - Morris. You can go to the Homepage of the Mathematics Discipline , for more information.


Teaching and Research Interests

Click here for information on my past and current research endeavors.

Click here for more information on the courses I taught till last spring.

In general, my areas of teaching and research interests include, but are not limited to, diverse areas in the field of operations research and its applications, namely, most of the aforementioned areas. For more information on these topics, try to either take or audit the following scintillating mathematics courses, namely, Discrete & Combinatorial Math (Math 3411, or Math 1760 & 3370 under quarters), and Operations Research (Math 3401, or Math 3270 under quarters).

Commitment to excellence in teaching is my primary goal here at UMM. Currently, during this fiscal year, I am teaching Calculus 1, operations research, discrete & combinatorial mathematics, linear algebra and deterministic models for management science. I unequivocally believe that active involvement in research and scholarly activities complements and enhances good teaching; I always try to maintain an on-going research agenda in applied mathematics (actually I am doing this because I also do enjoy solving problems.)


I am originally from Malaysia, a commonwealth country that takes pride in its committment to democracy and multiculturalism. For more information on this country, please click on the Malaysia Homepage . While in Malaysia, I completed kindergarten through Secondary Five (`O' levels SPM) at the Muar Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus School.

In my spare time (which is a mythical thing these days), I sit around and read JA Jance, John Sandford, David Sedaris, Tom Clancy, or John Grisham novels, hang-out with friends and their kids and dogs/cats, and write scintillating stuff like this for people like you to read.

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