Math 4452 Mathematical Modeling

# Topic Lecture Notes
1 The Five Step Method, Single Variable Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis Notes
2 Modeling Example: Automobile Manufacture Notes
3 Unconstrained Multivariable Optimization Notes  Mathematica
4 Lagrange Multipliers Notes  Mathematica
5 Mathematica Session Notes  Mathematica
6 Lagrange Multipliers Example Mathematica
7 Random Search, Global vs Local Mathematica
8 Continuous Dynamical Systems Notes  Mathematica
9 Discrete Dynamical Systems Notes  Mathematica
10 Eigenvalues and Stability for Continuous Dynamical Systems Notes  Mathematica
11 Eigenvalues and Stability for Discrete Dynamical Systems Notes  Mathematica
12 The Final word on Comparing Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems; Simulations Notes  Mathematica
13 Chaos and Fractals Notes  Mathematica
14 Discrete and Continuous Probability Notes  Mathematica
15 Deterministic and Stochastic Battle Simulations Notes  Mathematica
16 Markov Process Notes  Mathematica
17 Linear Regression Notes  Mathematica
18 Synthetic Data Sets Mathematica
19 Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression (lowess) Notes  Mathematica

Here are the assignments, in pdf format.

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