User authentication using PHP

Authentication using PHP only

// -------------- define functions -----------------
function isvalid($user, $password, $connection) {
	// checking if the user's login name and password are in DB
	// get rid of extra spaces in user name
	$user = trim($user);
	$find_user = "SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = '$user' 
	AND user_pass = MD5('$password');";
	if (! ($result = @mysql_query($find_user, $connection))) {
	if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) return false;	
	else return true;

function print_login_form() {
	$handler = "authenticate/check_password.php";
	$form_string = "
	<form name=\"theform\" method=\"POST\" 

	<table border=\"0\">
	<td>Enter your user name:</td>
	<input type = \"text\" name = \"user\">

	<td>Enter your password:</td>

	<input type = \"password\" name = \"password\">
	<input type=\"submit\" name = \"submit\" value=\"submit\">

	print $form_string;

function showerror()
	die("Error ". mysql_errno(). " : " .mysql_error());	

// ---------------- end of functions -----------------

// getting the form data
$user = $_POST['user'];
$password = $_POST['password'];	

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Checking if the user's login name and apssword are in the database
Author: Elena Machkasova 
Last modified: 12/12/06 
Checking user's login name and password
// open DB conncetion
// connect to the server
if (! ($connection = @mysql_connect("localhost","1101readonly","readonly")))
	die ("connection to the dtabase failed");

// select a database
if (!@mysql_select_db("1101fall06", $connection)) showerror();

if (isset($user) && isvalid($user, $password, $connection)) {
	print "Welcome, $user!<br/>\n";
} else {

// close DB connection

UMM CSci 1101