Français 2011:
La Phonétique française
Printemps, 2006


Professeur Sarah Buchanan
Tél : 589-6292
Bureau: 211 Camden Hall
Courrier élect:

Office hours:
MWF 10:30-11:30
  and by appointment






Course objectives:
Phonetics (from the Greek word, phone = voice/sound)  is the study of sounds used in speech. This course is designed to help you to be able to hear, understand, analyze, and use the sounds used in the French language with more ease. This course has two main components: we will study phonetic theory, and we will also devote a considerable time to refining our own pronunciation.

Required text:
Charliac, Lucille et al. Phonétique progressive du français, niveau débutant, avec le livret de corrigés des exercises et CDs.
A French or Francophone poem of your choice.

Optional materials:
Dansereau, Diane. Savoir Dire : Cours de Phonétique et de Prononciation.

Daily participation:
Language learning is a skill which demands much practice. It is expected that students will come to ALL classes prepared to take advantage of every opportunity to contribute ACTIVELY in class. Attendance is a must. Regular attendance in any course is important, but for a course based on speaking, regular attendance becomes more essential. If you have more than TWO ABSENCES during the term, your grade will be lowered 1/3 of a grade per absence.

French conversation table:
Your attendance at the weekly French conversation table and at cultural events organized by Entre Nous, the UMM French Club, is very strongly encouraged. It is a great way to have some fun, improve your French and meet other French speakers at different language levels on campus! At Conversation Table you can try out your new pronuncation skills!

We will work through the three leçons assigned to a day in class. After class, you should go back over these exercises as many times as possible (a MINIMUM of three times), as well as marking up your poem to incorporate these new skills.




You will be graded on three oral exams and on recorded readings of your poem.(For instructions on how to make those recordings, please consult the hand-out on "How to use Audio Recorder".Details of these exams will be given in advance of your exams. You will also be graded on attendance, preparation, and participation.

Répartition des notes

Allocation des notes

Examens oraux, quiz 35%
Lectures du poème 35%
Participation 20%
Assistance au cours 10%


94-100% = A 77-79% = C+
90-93% = A- 74-76% = C
87-89% = B+ 70-73% = C-
84-86% = B 67-69% = D+
80-83% = B- 64-66% = D
  0-63% = F








Le 18 janvier Introduction au cours; symboles du texte; l’alphabet phonétique
Le 20 janvier Take-home quiz (l’alphabet phonétique)
Leçons 1, 2 et 3
Le 23 janvier Leçons 4, 5 et 6 Quiz et premier enregistrement de votre poème à remettre
Le 25 janvier Leçons 7, 8 et 9
Le 27 janvier Leçons 10, 11, 12
Le 30 janvier Leçons 13, 14, 15





Le 1 février

Leçons 16, 17, 18

Examen oral (“Document Complémentaire No 1, p. 44, et aussi le 2e enregistrement de votre poème)

Le 3 février Leçons 19, 20, 21
Le 6 février Leçons 22, 23, 24
Le 8 février Leçons 25, 26, 27
Le 10 février Leçons 28, 29, 30
Le 13 février Leçons 31, 32, 33
Le 15 février Leçons 34, 35, 36
Le 17 février

Leçons 37, 38

Examen oral (“Document Complémentaire No 2, p. 86, et aussi le 3e enregistrement de votre poème)

Le 20 février Leçons 39, 40, 41
Le 22 février Leçons 42, 43, 44
Le 24 février Leçons 45, 46, 47
Le 27 février Leçons 48, 49, 50





Le 1 mars Leçons 51, 52, 53
Le 3 mars

Leçons 54, 55, 56

Examen oral (Lecture des phrases choisies au hasard du texte et aussi le 4e enregistrement de votre poème)